Friday, June 20, 2008

Writing a Descriptive Paragraph
Submitted By: Janet Blaylock

Grade Levels:

Middle School



Length of Time:

45 minutes to 1 hour


For this lesson, students will write a descriptive paragraph on the topic of their choice from the list I provided in this lesson.


Students will learn:

* The definition of a descriptive paragraph

* How to write a descriptive paragraph

* How to edit the paragraph

Materials Needed:

* Notebook paper

* Pens or Pencils and Erasers


First, you will go over the definition of a descriptive paragraph. A descriptive paragraph describes a person, place, or thing. For example, you can describe a person. Here are some questions you would think about when you want to describe a person: What does the person look like? What does the person like to do? What is the person’s personality?

You can also describe a setting. For example, you might ask the following questions: Where is the setting? Is it inside or outside? What colors do you see? What odors do you smell? Is there any furniture in the setting? What else do you see?

You can also describe an object. You might ask the following questions: What does the object look like? What color is it? What shape is it?

Students need to use descriptive words to make the person, place, or thing realistic.

You can also give them an example of a descriptive paragraph before they begin their worksheet.

Worksheet for Descriptive Paragraph

Directions: Write a descriptive paragraph on one of the following ideas.

1. Your bedroom

2. Your house

3. Your school

4. Your neighborhood

5. Yourself

6. Your mother, father, or another relative

7. Your best friend

8. Your desk where you study at home

9. A park in your city

10. A place where you went on a vacation


You can grade students on sentence structure, paragraph structure, descriptive words, and grammar.

100 to 90 = A

89 to 80 = B

79 to 70 = C

69 to 60 = D

Below 60 = F

Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Tutor Blog

Read the text about Nicky Astria then answer the question below.

One of the biggest music stars of the late 1980s. Nicky Astria is still rocking today at the age of 32. A longtime resident of Bandung, her melancholic, haunting vocals, continue to enthrall both the longtime fans and those who were toddlers when she made her debut almost 20 years ago. Nicky talked to The Jakarta Post’s Bruce Emond about bearing the title of “ lady rocker “ when on the same time, is the mother of two, and what she wishes she had known when she was younger.
She has been doing the professional work as a singer since 1984 when she was 15. She can express herself and create her own songs. She realizes she has many failings, but she has been given the gift. A talent to be a good singer.

Questions :

1. How old will Nicky Astria be in 2007 ?
a. 38 years c. 20 years
b. 32 years d. 15 years.

2. When did she start her debut ?
a. 20 years ago. c. in 1984
b. in 1969 d. at the age of 20

3. What is Nicky’s profession ?
a. a musician c. a creator
b. a composer d. a singer

Read the text

On Monday the students in Ani’s classs have their math class in the second period, At a quarter to nine this morning during the math lesson, somebody knocked at the door. Mr. Harun, their math teacher, opened the door. The Headmaster, Mr. Rachman, and a new student were at the door. They came into the classroom and Mr. Rachman said,
“ Mr. Harun, this is Linda. She’s a new student in here. She’s just come from Pekalongan.”
Then Mr. Harun said “ good morning Linda. You can go to that empty seat and sit next to Ani.”
“ Thank you” said Linda, and she went to the seat, smiled at Ani and sat down. Mr. Rachman said ‘Thank you’ to Mr. Harun and left the room. Then Mr. Harun help up his math book and showed it to Linda.
“ We’re using this book for math” said the teacher.
“ What did you use in Pekalongan”
“ Oh, we used the same book, I brought mine with me this morning” answered the new student.
“ That’s fine. We’re on page fifty three,” said Mr. Harun, and he continued the lesson. He asked Linda some questions. Linda was a good student, and she answer all of the questions correctly.

Questions :

1. When does Ani have her math lesson on Monday ?
2. What were the students in Ani’s class studying at a quarter to nine ?
3. What happened at a quarter to nine ?
4. Who opened the door ?
5. Who was at the door ?
6. What was the new student’s name ?
7. Where was she from ?